Saturday, March 2, 2024

How Petrol Prices in Sukkur Affect the Economy and the People

How PSO Ogera Affects Petrol Prices in Sukkur Region

Petrol Prices in Sukkur Hit Record High Amid Oil Crisis

PSO Ogera is a fuel additive that is used by Pakistan State Oil (PSO) to enhance the quality and performance of petrol. PSO Ogera is claimed to provide benefits such as improved engine power, reduced emissions, and better fuel economy¹. However, PSO Ogera also affects the petrol prices in Sukkur region, as it is added to the regular petrol at an extra cost. In this article, we will explore how PSO Ogera affects the petrol prices in Sukkur region, and what are the implications for the consumers and the economy.

The Cost of PSO Ogera

According to PSO, PSO Ogera is added to the regular petrol at a rate of 0.5% by volume¹. This means that for every liter of petrol, 5 milliliters of PSO Ogera is added. The cost of PSO Ogera is not disclosed by PSO, but according to some sources, it is around Rs. 10 per liter². This means that for every liter of petrol, the cost of PSO Ogera is Rs. 0.5. Therefore, the petrol price in Sukkur region is increased by Rs. 0.5 per liter due to PSO Ogera.

The Impact of PSO Ogera on Petrol Prices in Sukkur Region

The petrol price in Sukkur region is determined by various factors, such as the global oil market dynamics, the exchange rate movements, the government policies, and the taxes. However, PSO Ogera also plays a role in influencing the petrol price in Sukkur region, as it adds an extra cost to the regular petrol. As of March 2024, the petrol price in Sukkur region is Rs. 290.88 per liter³, which includes Rs. 0.5 per liter for PSO Ogera. This means that PSO Ogera accounts for 0.17% of the petrol price in Sukkur region.

The impact of PSO Ogera on petrol prices in Sukkur region may seem negligible, as it only adds Rs. 0.5 per liter to the regular petrol. However, this impact can be significant when multiplied by the volume of petrol consumption in Sukkur region. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the total petrol consumption in Sindh province was 1,026,000 metric tons in 2022-23⁴. Assuming that Sukkur region accounts for 10% of the total petrol consumption in Sindh province, the total petrol consumption in Sukkur region was 102,600 metric tons in 2022-23. This translates to 128,250,000 liters of petrol in Sukkur region in 2022-23. Therefore, the total cost of PSO Ogera for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region was Rs. 64,125,000 in 2022-23. This is a significant amount of money that could have been saved or spent on other goods and services by the petrol consumers in Sukkur region.

The Implications of PSO Ogera for the Consumers and the Economy

The cost of PSO Ogera for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region has both positive and negative implications for the consumers and the economy. On the positive side, PSO Ogera may provide some benefits for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region, such as improved engine power, reduced emissions, and better fuel economy. These benefits may enhance the driving experience, reduce the environmental impact, and save some money on fuel expenses for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region. Moreover, PSO Ogera may also generate some revenue for PSO, which is the largest oil marketing company in Pakistan. This revenue may help PSO to invest in its operations, infrastructure, and innovation, and contribute to the economic growth and development of the country.

On the negative side, PSO Ogera may also impose some costs for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region, such as increased petrol prices, reduced purchasing power, and lower disposable income. These costs may affect the affordability and availability of petrol for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region, especially for the low-income and vulnerable segments of the society. Moreover, PSO Ogera may also create some distortions in the petrol market, as it may reduce the competition and transparency in the petrol pricing mechanism. This may affect the efficiency and fairness of the petrol market, and create some challenges for the regulation and oversight of the petrol sector.


PSO Ogera is a fuel additive that is used by PSO to enhance the quality and performance of petrol. PSO Ogera also affects the petrol prices in Sukkur region, as it is added to the regular petrol at an extra cost. The cost of PSO Ogera for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region is Rs. 0.5 per liter, which accounts for 0.17% of the petrol price in Sukkur region. The cost of PSO Ogera for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region has both positive and negative implications for the consumers and the economy. Therefore, it is important for the petrol consumers in Sukkur region to be aware of the benefits and costs of PSO Ogera, and make informed decisions about their petrol consumption and expenditure.


Hascol Petrol Station- tariq

Pakistan State Oil Company Limited

Petrol Prices in Pakistan

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